Ynglŷn â'r wefan hon

Bala & Penllyn Tourism Association thank Partners and Sponsors for their assistance and support to develop this website.




Credits - The Association also thank and acknowledge the use of images and content from:

Thanks to the following for assistance with this website:

  • Elfvyn Pritchard (translation)
  • Gareth Griffiths (translation)
  • Penri Jones (translation, local information and Welsh language content)
  • Peris Jones-Evans (Historical Timeline)
  • Andrew Roberts (translation)
  • Alun Price (translation and content)


It is intended to develop this website further with more Welsh content. If you would like to assist please contact the Association. Your assistance may be provided by translating or by providing information and images of interest to our Welsh language users. You could also help financially as a Sponsor (£200 for 3 years minimum).

Mae'n fwriad gennym ddatblygu'r wefan hon ymhellach drwy ei chyfieithu i'r Gymraeg. Pe baech yn dymuno ein cynorthwyo cysylltwch â'r Gymdeithas os gwelwch yn dda. Gallech ein cynorthwyo drwy gyfieithu neu drwy gynnig gwybodaeth a lluniau fyddai o ddiddordeb i'n defnyddwyr Cymraeg eu hiaith. Fe allech hefyd ein cynorthwyo yn ariannol drwy fod yn Bartner (£1,000 neu fwy) neu Hyrwyddwr (£200/tudalen).