
  Oak burr sculpture "Concentricity"

Cyswllt : Les Symonds
Cyfeiriad : Pren, 71 High Street, Bala, Gwynedd. LL23 7AE
Ffôn : 07979 074 320
A restrir yn : Art & Craft

  Ewch i'r Wefan

Pren Pren Pren Pren Pren Pren Pren Pren

Celebrating the natural beauty of wood, through a unique range of turned wooden products produced by us at our own workshops here in Bala, but also stocking local craftware as well as a range of home-produced and imported furniture and home accessories.

A new venture in Bala which is gaining recognition amongst discerning shoppers as the ideal place to buy that special gift for a special person, or perhaps just to spoil yourself. Here at Pren we make our own unique range of artistic and utilitarian turned wooden items; just take one step through the door and the first thing you'll notice is the smell of the wood! Several times a week there will be a woodutrner on site, making stock for the shop, but also happy to chat to customers and to demonstarte his art....he may even let you have a go yourself!

Alongside the exciting range of turned wood, we also stock the work of a few local craftworkers in wood and slate, as well as a range of both home produced and imported furniture and home accessories. Call in, we're easy to find, on the High Street, just a few doors along (westwards) from the White Lion Hotel

Anfon neges at Pren

Enw llawn

Cyfeiriad E-bost*


Eich Neges

* Meysydd Angenrheidiol