Terms and Conditions of using this website
Standard terms and conditions of using this website
Why do we have Terms and Conditions?
- The purpose of this website and publications of the Bala & Penllyn Tourism Association is to provide tourism information to help plan and enjoy your visit to Bala & Penllyn.
- The information on this site and publications comes from a number of sources - businesses may change or operate on a seasonal basis, therefore information may be out of date.
- Adventure activities often involve a degree of risk. There are many factors which affect safety, such as the weather, the experience of the participants and their equipment.
- Before making a booking or travelling, it is recommended that you check all details directly with the organisation or provider of the service.
- It is recommended that you check the suitability of the service for your needs, including safety aspects.
- We recommend that you use providers that have recognised standards, such as:
- Accommodation: graded by VisitWales or an equivalent organisation – we require accommodation listed on this website to be graded.
- Organisations providing activities for unaccompanied children, under 18, are required to be AALA approved by law.
- If you are undertaking an adventure activity it is recommended that you consider safety aspects of yourself and your group. If necessary, seek professional advice. Use the weather forecast specific to the area, e.g. Snowdonia mountain forercast from the Met Office.
- We recommend that you use Providers of outdoor activities that have appropriate national approved qualifications, e.g.
- In mountainous areas roads may be steep, narrow and with drops to the side. Please be courteous to other road users, particularly cyclists and walkers.
The Legal bit
The Bala & Penllyn Tourism Association cannot and do not accept responsibility for any contract or booking that users of this website and publications may enter with service providers.
The Bala & Penllyn Tourism Association are not responsible for the consequences arising from the use of information provided on this website and publications.
The Bala & Penllyn Tourism Association are not responsible for the safety of anyone using information from this website and publications.
You may copy images and content from this website for the specific purpose of linking to this website or promoting it. If you wish to use content for other purposes then you must ask for permission.